It seemed like a long time coming, but Gardening season is here. I am enjoying preparing and planting. I keep adding more bales to my Straw Bale Garden as well as more and more container plantings. I am trying some new veggies and herbs this year in pots.
I added a Rabbit barrier fence around my garden this year. They have eaten all of my broccoli plants again this year. They ate them last year also early on, but the plants survived and produced normally.
I put the remains of last years bales in baskets this year . I did this last year with zucchini and it worked great. I pray it works again. So far, the baskets are drying out on the top few inches quickly. I may have to add a layer of potting mix on top to offset that.
My back stoop is loaded with my herbs and containers of veggies that I am starting or planning to grow in containers this year. I have Bok Choy, Red Mexican Beans, Baby Spinach, varieties of Lettuce and Red Cabbage. I have several tomatoes and peppers that I have started. I will probably plant them in large containers once they are big enough to transplant.
I have been picking strawberries daily from my trough bed. The plants only came back about half full this year. Last year they were so thick I hardly got any berries. I picked up another trough at a Garage Sale today. I am very excited about that score. I don't know what I will plant in it yet. I am thinking maybe blueberries.
My flower beds on the northern and eastern sides of my house are going crazy this year. I need to do some thinning for sure.
My kids surprised me with a new front porch over Memorial weekend. I love it so much!
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