Here's the Kit preview.
And here's a page I made using this fabulous Kit.
Next I bring you the newest release by Moonbeam a.k.a. Deanne Gow-Smith called Rich Bllossom. It is another stunning Kit that also comes in Kit and Template form. First are the Kit Previews. These can be found in both of Deanne's Stores at ScrapbookMax!
And here are the previews of the Template.
Next I have a sneek peek at the soon to be released Kit by Michelle McCoy, a.k.a. Wolvsie35 from ScrapbookMax! and CraftyScraps. It is called Pen Pals and will be in her Store at ScrapbookMax! very soon. It is a deliscious, warm and brings you back Home with fond memories.
Here's the Preview of the Kit.