About Me

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Hi everyone! Thank you for visiting my Blog. I design and create handmade wreaths and other seasonal home décor. I love gardening. I am a Creative design Artist for some awesome Digital Designers. I hope you enjoy what I create. Now that I am retired I truly enjoy being able to travel a lot.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

***Fiona Storey, Deanne Gow-Smith, Michelle McCoy and Freebie***

Hi everyone.  I hope you are having a special day today.  Today I am bringing you a peek at Kits from the 3 Top Designer's at ScrapookMax!.  First is by AngelWithin a.k.a. Fiona Storey's Butterfly Repose Kit.  It is laced with loviness.  It comes in both Kit and Template forms and can be found in her Store at ScrapbookMax!..

Here's the Kit preview.

And here's a page I made using this fabulous Kit.

Next I bring you the newest release by Moonbeam a.k.a. Deanne Gow-Smith called Rich Bllossom.  It is another stunning Kit that also comes in Kit and Template form.  First are the Kit Previews. These can be found in both of Deanne's Stores at ScrapbookMax!

And here are the previews of the Template.

Isn't it gorgeous?  Here's a layout I made using the Kit.

Next I have a sneek peek at the soon to be released Kit by Michelle McCoy, a.k.a. Wolvsie35 from ScrapbookMax! and CraftyScraps.  It is called Pen Pals and will be in her Store at ScrapbookMax! very soon.  It is a deliscious, warm and brings you back Home with fond memories.
Here's the Preview of the Kit.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

***Deanne Gow-Smith Summer Boys, Michelle McCoy DooDah DooDah and Freebie***

Deanne Gow-Smith has released a new kit called Summer Boys.  I think it is awesome.  Here's the preview.

 Check out the pages I made frmo this kit.

It is also available as Templates

Pop over to her Store at ScrapbookMax! or DigiScrap Dollar Deals.

Check out the QP I made from Michelle McCoy's DooDah DooDah Kit.  It is available in her Store at ScrapbookMax!Here's the preview.
Come back tomorrow and I'll have another one for you from this awesome Kit.

Click here to DOWNLOAD your freebie.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

***Michelle McCoy's Endurance Kit and Freebie***

This is one of my favorite Kits by Michelle McCoy.  It is so rich and gorgeous.  It comes in both Kit form and Template Form.  They can both be found in her Store at ScrapbookMax!.

Here's a Preview of the Kit.
Here are the Template Pages.

Here is a Page I made using the Kit.  I turned it into a Quick Page for you.   You can download it HERE.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

***Deanne Gow-Smith - Danger Zone and Freebie***

Check out Deanne Gow-Smith's newest Kit - Danger Zone.  It is available in both her Stores at ScrapbookMax! and DigiScrap Dollar Deals.  It comes in Kit form as well as Templates.  Here are the Template pages.
Here are a couple of pages I made using the Kit.  I think this is a perfect Kit for some of the Harley pics I have accumulated.

I put together this QP freebie for you from CU Items from several Designers.  I hope you can use it for something.  The Credits are in the download.

You can download it HERE.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

***Deanne Gow-Smith - new Kit - Time Flies and Freebie***

Hi again everyone!.  How many of you love to do then and now pages?  Moonbeam, aka Deanne Gow-Smith from ScrapbookMax! and DigiScrap Dollar Deals has just released the perfect kit for just that.  It is called Time Flies.  You can find it in her Store at ScrapbookMax! and in her DigiScraps Dollar Deals Store for a discounted price.  She is having an awesome Sale right now at digiscrapdollardeals.com.  You won't want to miss out on this Sale.

Check out the Preview of this awesome new Kit.  It is also available in template form for those of you who are short on time, creativity, or just love to add photos and be done.

Here are previews of the Templates.

Aren't they fantastic?  I designed a couple pages myself using the Kit.  One is at the top of this post and here's another one.

Remember the posting yesterday about Michelle McCoy's new Tropical Dreams Kit?  I decided to give you another QP I made from it.  I hope you like it.

You can grab it HERE.
Thanks for stopping by and please come back soon.  Hugs!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

***Fiona Storey - Peaceful Spirit Kit and freebie***

Hi everyone.  Sorry I've been quiet.  I have a lot going on right now.  I haven't forgotten any of you for one minute!  What I wanted to show you today is one of my favorite Kits by Fiona Storey from AngelWithin Designs and ScrapbookMax!.  It is called Peaceful Spirit.  I adore it!  You can find it in her Store at Scrapbook Max!.

Here's the Preview for this lovely Kit.

Here's a page I made using this awesome kit.

Isn't it just lovely?  Check it out next time you are browsing through the Store at ScrapbookMax!.

Michelle McCoy's latest Kit - Tropical dreams is available in her Store at ScrapbookMax!.  Check it out while you are there browsing.  Here's the Preview, isn't is refreshing?

Here's a QP I made for you from it.

Download it HERE.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for stopping by.  Come back soon.